Sunday, August 21, 2011


Well, as summer's go I suppose it was hotter in Hangzhou last year when it hit 45C in August for a week,  right when we were staging Skate Asia at my rink.   I was in Bangkok last week and couldn't believe that it was actually cooler there than here.   Wonder with global warming if Bangkok will turn into a ski resort.   The event went well and both Nathan Chen and Albert Zhu skated well.  These were the two guest stars I took to the event.  I love Bangkok despite it's horrendous traffic and unbelievable rainstorms where water comes up to the car windows.

Got a chance to see Lt. Gen. Somjanok Kritikara,  an old friend and the founder of skating in Thailand. He's related to King in some way but I am not sure how.

Took Nathan, Albert and Hetty (Na's mom),  out to see some temples and the sold gold Buddah which weighs 10,000 lbs and at US$1850 per ounce that makes the statue worth $2,960,000.000 or enough to pay off the US Dept and have change left over.

I have to tell everyone about a video on  at  this location:

The boy in this is a teenager, abandoned at age 3 and lived on the streets alone since age 5. He's been beaten, starved and even buried alive by gangs. His story is so sad it will have you in tears.  Listen to his kid's voice.   I thought Susan Boyle was incredible, but this kid really is unbelievable.

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